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Strength to Nepal Earthquake Survivors

April 26, 2015 1 min read

Love & strength to all Nepalis.

Memories from a few years ago.

JainaMishra_10 Boudhnath Stupa at dusk, Nepal Heritage Architecture of Nepal : Carved Wood windows  Heritage Architecture of Nepal : Carved Wood windows

All these places are beautiful and it is sad that some of these did not survive. But no loss of any building will bring out as much grief as the death of even one human.  It is in times of tragedy that we realise what really matters.

Hope the people who are still alive and buried will be rescued soon.

Link to a video of the earthquake from a CCTV in a Kathmandu Hotel. Nothing can prepare one for such fear.


April 2015

Strength to Nepal Earthquake Survivors


The post Strength to Nepal Earthquake Survivors appeared first on The Art Blog by WOVENSOULS.COM.

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