1799 Antique Kashmir Pashmina Shawl Fragment
Gorgeous Antique frame-able Pashmina Kani Shawl Fragment
Exquisite masterpiece with light fine color palette.
Pashmina wool backed with silk.
Extremely fine Kani weaving
The complexity of Kani weaving increases with the number of colors used in one square inch. More colors means that more Kani or bamboo sticks are needed to be used simultaneously resulting in a slower weaving process. This particular textile has 6 (or is it 7) colors used in a sq inch.
Further, every time there is a color change, a different kani is needed.So it is noteworthy that every petal and every leaf also has a border in a contrasting color !!!!
The expertise of weaving is best seen by examining the back of this textile (see last photo)
Light summer palette.
This is a composite textile made up of several bands stitched together and then lined with a border on all sides. The expensive silk backing reflects the value that such fragments have for their owners.
Good condition
70 x 74 cm
This item has spent a lifetime being used for the purpose of its creation with the original artist/user. Signs of this life lived heartily may be present on the piece in the form of stains, thread loss, loose threads, holes, tears, color run and other imperfections. Therefore the condition must be assumed to be “not” perfect. More photos of such imperfections will be provided on request.