1749 Cirebon Wayang Batik Tulis Indonesian Art w Lord Ganesh
Indonesian Art Masterpiece - A Cirebon Wayang Batik Tulis with the subject of Punokawan Cirebonan
The first image is the detail of Lord Ganesh bowing
The subject is Punokawan Cirebonan
[As narrated by the wife of the artist: Javanese deities - the Punokawan - are used in the narration of Hindu epics such as the Mahabharat as well in the educational themes for Islamic teachings
A batik used to spread Islam though use of wayang characters.
The major Character is Semar and the others are their helpers. Their names are Bitarota, Cungkring, Bagong, Gareng, Duwala, Ceblok, Sekarpandan, Bagal Buntong.
These deities are sent by Batara Guru (Shiva)? under the command of Semar(the clown) to teach them the true faith of Islam.
Each character has it roles and are associated with our lifestyles. The 9 punokawan are synonymous in this way to the 9 saints of Java or in Javanese Wali Sanga.]
Note the detail provided in the scene and in each of the characters depicted here.
Note the clothes, the hairstyles and the facial expressions.
The depiction of the clouds (mega mendung) is typical of the batiks of Cirebon in Java, Indonesia.
The amazing aesthetic is the work of Late Pak Tomik
A legendary work using a fine instrument (chanting 0).
Size: 105 x 266cm / 36 figures
Perfect as a wall artwork
Made sometime between 1970s-1990s