“Negative space, in art, is the space around and between the subject(s) of an image. Negative space may be most evident when the space around a subject, not the subject itself, forms an interesting or artistically relevant shape, and such space occasionally is used to artistic effect as the “real” subject of an image.”

Negative spaces can have a positive impact on the overall visual.

Some examples that have employed these to create an aesthetic feature:

VIntage antique Tribal Kutch Mirrorwork EmbroideryVIntage antique Tribal Kutch Mirrorwork EmbroideryVIntage antique Tribal Kutch Mirrorwork EmbroideryVIntage antique Tribal Kutch Mirrorwork EmbroideryVIntage antique Tribal Kutch Mirrorwork EmbroideryVIntage antique Tribal Kutch Mirrorwork EmbroideryVIntage antique Tribal Kutch Mirrorwork Embroidery673 Antique-Bagh-CI726 ATK-726 SILK FLOSS TEXTILE ARTWORK TORAN 03ANTIQUE RABARI TEXTILES FROM KUTCH, GUJARAT INDIAANTIQUE RABARI TEXTILES FROM KUTCH, GUJARAT INDIAANTIQUE RABARI TEXTILES FROM KUTCH, GUJARAT INDIA1070 ATI-1070 SHIA DOUBLE SIDED EMBROIDERY TEXTILE 3022050737_10155709622349935_765627910_o22095459_10155709622359935_1926230552_oANTIQUE WEDDING THIRMA TEXTILE WITH RARE KHANJARATI-668 ANTIQUE BAGH PHULKARI TEXTILE EMBROIDERY PUNJAB INDIAANTIQUE PUNJAB TEXTILE PHULKARI BAGH EMBROIDERY INDIAANTIQUE PINK THIRMAANTIQUE THIRMA BAGH PHULKARI TEXTILE FROM PUNJAB INDIAantique vintage phulkari bagh traditional Indian textile embroidery silkantique vintage phulkari bagh traditional Indian textile embroidery silkantique vintage phulkari bagh traditional Indian textile embroidery silkVIntage antique Tribal Kutch Mirrorwork Embroidery

And so e can safely say that negative spaces are not really negative


Sept 2017



The post Negative Spaces appeared first on The Art Blog by WOVENSOULS.COM.