Life is short.  With time running out and only a few years left to live (definitely less than 30) I find myself making a stronger effort to make time for all the things and all the people I enjoy being with.

In the interest of economy, I have begun combining activities. Earlier when friends met up, we’d do it over lunch or dinner. Now, if possible, I try to meet friends over  a walk or a visit to the museum.

And so a few days ago, two school friends and I got together at the Bhau Daji Lad Museum to see the Florentine Renaissance.

The museum itself has a small collection of art & antiques. And the Florentine Renaissance Lost Wax Replicas of the Gates of Paradise were definitely worth a look.

A few pictures






The last gas-lit lamp in Mumbai on the grounds of the museum:



A fun way to meet old friends!


April 2014


The post A visit to the ‘Florentine Renaissance Exhibit’ at the Bhau Daji Lad Museum, Mumbai appeared first on The Art Blog by WOVENSOULS.COM.