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The Irony of my tiny Astrological Thangka Collection

It is ironical and even absurd that my journey in collecting Tibetan material began from being impressed by their ideology of renunciation of material wealth! The life seen in Tibet … Continue reading

The post The Irony of my tiny Astrological Thangka Collection appeared first on The Art Blog by WOVENSOULS.COM.

The Lore of a Kilim Rug | The Lure of a Kilim Rug

One day a Yürük tribal chief saw a kilim rug cast on the ground by a tent. Looking at it brought anguish to his heart, so he called on his … Continue reading

The post The Lore of a Kilim Rug | The Lure of a Kilim Rug appeared first on The Art Blog by WOVENSOULS.COM.