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Palace on the Ganga – Art in Architecture

September 05, 2016 1 min read


Just pictures of a lovely place that has the atmosphere of serenity and quietude.

The opulence is in the atmosphere created – rather than in its fixtures.


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Everything here is just right – just enough peace to allow deep contemplation – just enough stimulation from the flowing river to keep one from getting bored – just enough silence to remain undisturbed – just enough chirping from the birds at sunrise and sunset to make one aware of the passage of time – just enough openness to capture the vastness of the universe and just enough beauty in the sunrise to make one grateful to that universe …….

I could easily find moksh here!


Back to ‘Ganga Diaries’


Sept 2016



The post Palace on the Ganga – Art in Architecture appeared first on The Art Blog by WOVENSOULS.COM.

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