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A Walk through Penang

February 17, 2015 1 min read

Well – not exactly a walk! I rode through Penang in a cycle rickshaw. PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA Driven around by the most entertaining & the most spirited driver I have ever met – who sang and danced and played loud music as he cycled along waving at everyone along the way and making everyone on the streets smile! The Penang experience was made doubly charming by this fantastic old man – Chigo – whose company I had the pleasure of for a few hours. As we rode along, the charms of Chigo mixed with the charms of Penang….and in the few short hours I fell in love with the city. A few pictures from my phone camera: PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA  PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA  PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA       PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA   PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA  PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA  PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA  PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA   PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA    PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA   PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA  PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA And then a lunch-stop at the BEST Assam Laksa place in Penang: PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA Note the rush outside! PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA And inside: PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA All for this fantastic meal! PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA And the best thing about Penang : CHIGO!!! PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA PENANG STREETS, MALAYSIA If you are going to visit Penang – do write in to ask for his number. He brings the experience to life! jm Feb 2015

The post A Walk through Penang appeared first on The Art Blog by WOVENSOULS.COM.

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