An attempted burglary resulted in a forced movement of our furniture. These pieces had been tucked away in a place that I visited with high frequency but low attention-depth. Every visit was a hurried blur of a million tasks fitted into a tiny tome slot. 
And so this forced movement allowed me the luxury of time – to look at and to appreciate the pieces once again in a new light – both metaphorically and literally. 

bone ivory inlaid antique chinese wood box art    
I wish I knew what this meant ….Someday someone will explain this scene to me……

Until then I will just enjoy the meticulous drawing of this artwork created in wood. 

One piece at a time, I shall enjoy studying each piece again. And revel in the unexpected dividends of pleasure received from pieces that were hidden away in my past! 

Sep 2017

The post Wood Art from Ancient China  appeared first on The Art Blog by WOVENSOULS.COM.