On studying the pair of paintings that are as tall as I am,

Pair of Large Antique Yao ceremonial Scrolls

I am struck by the variety in 2 aspects: 1) facial features and  2) costumes

The diversity of faces shown is remarkable – we see not only a range of the facial features, but also a range of skin colors, eye shapes, cheek bone structure, nose structure and hair grooming styles!

What a delight to get a peek into the diversity that might have existed in that spot in space/time.


Pair of Large Antique Yao ceremonial Scrolls

Pair of Large Antique Yao ceremonial ScrollsPair of Large Antique Yao ceremonial ScrollsPair of Large Antique Yao ceremonial ScrollsPair of Large Antique Yao ceremonial ScrollsPair of Large Antique Yao ceremonial ScrollsPair of Large Antique Yao ceremonial ScrollsPair of Large Antique Yao ceremonial ScrollsPair of Large Antique Yao ceremonial ScrollsPair of Large Antique Yao ceremonial ScrollsPair of Large Antique Yao ceremonial ScrollsPair of Large Antique Yao ceremonial ScrollsPair of Large Antique Yao ceremonial ScrollsPair of Large Antique Yao ceremonial ScrollsPair of Large Antique Yao ceremonial ScrollsPair of Large Antique Yao ceremonial Scrolls

The post Variety within Antique Yao / Zhuang Ceremonial Scrolls – 1 appeared first on The Art Blog by WOVENSOULS.COM.
