Salar Jung-III must have been an interesting man.
For, a collection as diverse and as interesting as this, requires before all else, the keen eye of the beholder to see within the object its unique soul and the stimulating amusement it holds for the viewer.
As is with all collections, there must have been one walking stick that captured his intrigue and led him down the path of becoming a collector of walking sticks! I wonder which piece that was!
No doubt a man of his means and his stature would not have found it tedious or time-consuming to put together this collection for the pieces would have found him rather than him having to hunt them out.
A few pictures of the Walking Stick Collection of the Salar Jung III.
The simple sticks:
Bird Heads:
This crane-head opens its beak with the press of a button.
Foot / footwear handles:
Semi-precious stones as knobs:
Golf Stick handles:
Just art:
Ivory & Gold:
That such diverse concepts can be the subject of walking stick art proves once more that there is no limit to the creativity of man!
March 2014
The post Salar Jung Museum – The Walking Stick Collection appeared first on The Art Blog by WOVENSOULS.COM.