Pattachitra is similar to ‘storyboards’ or stories told along with pictures.
The tales depicted are usually derived from epics such as Bhagawat and Ramayana.
In ancient India, this art was created on palm leaves. Such paintings were found in Assam, Orissa, Kerala and Rajasthan in varied forms.
A few images of the pattachitra paintings in the magnificent collection of the Guwahati Museum:
“Sundara Kanda – Ramayan” Late Medieval period
“Phaya Kamma (Burmese)” Medieval period
“Bhagawat – 11th Skanda” Medieval Period
A few pattachitras from Orissa are available in the wovensouls collection here.
Feb 18th, 2011
This post is for Julian Roberts who infected me with his love for antique paintings.
The post Pattachitra Art of Assam appeared first on The Art Blog by WOVENSOULS.COM.