Even though the young & the rich get allured into buying gems and jewelry by big brands that add very little value by stamping a brand name on it and even though the valuation of these brands in the corporate stock markets is several times their worth, it does not mean that their jewelry is the ‘best’.
In my travels until now, it is slowly becoming evident that the jewelry and textiles with the WOW factor come not from factories in big cities but from the tribal groups and ethnic minorities.
Among the Nagas, even men wear jewelry and add to their dashing good looks with their jewels:
Here are some pictures of the jewelry of Nagaland, from North East India taken amongst a dozen different Naga tribes during a festival.
brass skulls declaring the warrior’s victory
Chest cross bands (also seen in tribes from Sabah)
Chakhesang tribe warrior – the right to wear this must be earned
Rare Conch jewelry for the back
These are just some raw images of the magnificent visual feast! If you enjoyed reading about the Nagas, do read the other Nagaland articles on this blog. But that is more likely to whet your appetite rather than gratify it…..
As the Lion King says “there’s more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than can ever be done”
Click here to shop for the Antique Naga beads that are available in the Wovensouls gallery.
The post Adornments beyond compare – Tribal Jewelry of Nagaland appeared first on The Art Blog by WOVENSOULS.COM.