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Camel Milk Tea

novembre 08, 2021 1 min leggi

Camel milk is the staple food for camel herders.

In the day milk and camel-milk-tea are the answers to hunger and thirst. And in the night a “ kheer” – somewhat like porridge – made with sugar, flour and camel milk are eaten as dinner.

Watch a video on milking the camel on youtube here: LINK


Making the fire for the tea:

Here’s the link to the video on Youtube of creating the sustainable fire.

And the boiling of the milk: link:

And finally the tea:

This tea is consumed several times a day. I did not witness the drinking of water as much … maybe the milk alone is sufficient.

At night, a ‘kheer’ is made using camel milk, sugar and flour.

Same utensils. Same fuel. Same camel milk. So a small bag of basic ingredients lasts a few days.




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